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Georg Schwinning | Moderation



"Open and respectful communication creates a positive and productive working atmosphere."



People with different requirements work together inside every company and it is their duty, within the framework of projects, to produce effective results without inefficiencies. Companies can no longer afford endless discussions without any real outcomes. Moderation is a targeted way of structuring working meetings, discussions or workshops in such a way that their aim is achieved within the available time. 

As an external moderator, Georg Schwinning helps groups to find solutions. Based on the assumption that "Even the most diverse groups can achieve results, which are acceptable to everyone", he moderates international meetings, assemblies, workshops etc. He keeps everything together and always stays in the background, making valuable use of his long-standing management experience and cross-cultural skills, as well as his reliable training as a moderator and results-oriented perseverance.



Moderation topics:

  • Workshops to optimize communication, leadership and collaboration
  • "Follow Up" workshops according to employee surveys
  • "Off sites" for executives
  • Workshops on change and cultural change
  • Reorganization of departments
  • Conflict management